Thursday, August 27, 2009

Neighborhood Buzz

The neighborhood is buzzing once again. Please join your neighbors in an open comfortable forum to discuss, question, and understand, the impacts of issues that currently face our community.

Sunday, August 30th. 7:00 p.m. CPN Community Center

For more information:
"Home Rule City" analysis by the City of Castle Pines North -
"Position Paper" From the Castle Pines North Metro District -

We are extending a special invite to the new candidates for election to our city government. This will be a wonderful opportunity to meet and understand the viewpoints of the homeowners as you begin your journey to represent our interests.


  1. I see a city who's hurting financially, a management company whose advice is questionable (their revenue/expense analysis prior to incorporation was way off the mark) yet the city continues to rely on them, a reduction in city services (how many potholes are there now?), mismanagement of expense (were those metal street signs really the best way to spend our money? I would have preferred the money be used towards the previously mentioned pothole maintenance), an increase in fees (building permits & use tax on materials...why is the city charging more than the county was?), bickering amongst elected officials, city council maneuvering meetings to conceal information from residents. At this point, I don't know why I WOULDN'T support dissolution of the city. I'd rather go back to the way we were before wasn't broke, yet we fixed it anyway. And now look where we are.

  2. (To the authors of this blog, I hope you post the report on the city's analysis for "Home Rule", and the Metro District's "Position Paper" here on this blog. It'd be great to have an opportunity to make and read comments on both positions.)
